Saturday, December 31, 2011

At the end of 2011, we praise and bless God for all the graces we have received of his goodness through you. God for your great solidarity with us. In return we offer, it is our humble prayer, our memories of you, this great fraternity which unites us despite the distance that separates us.--Sister Josseline, director of the School of the Infant Jesus.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


St. Simon Church is sending $3100 to the School of the Infant Jesus in Port-au-Prince, Haiti this week. The funds are from July - October sponsor tuition payments, sale of Haitian artwork and our monthly breakfast fundraiser.

Previous donations from St. Simon Parish in 2011 include $16,400 for six new houses. Join us during November by sending a donation to sponsor a class at our twinned Haitian school.

October 2011

Drinking Water

Sr. Josseline writes, "Last year, we used the water filters that Roger Manley brought to us for the school cafeteria. Wehn school restarts on October 3rd, we will use them in the classrooms for the youngest children.

Thank you for your concern about drinking water for the children because it is still a problem with cholera continuing within our neighborhood. Let me tell you how good God has been to us. There is a graduate of the School of the Infant Jesus who works for the telephone company. He approached his company concerning drinking water for the school children. On September 15th, the company installed a small 300 gallon reservoir of water for the children. Each week, we will fill the tank. The drinking water contract will continue for two years. We are very thankful."

September 2011