Listening during a language class in English.
7th, 8th and 9th grade students assemble on the first day of school

Students who pass their 7th grade entrance exams and have money for tuition continue their studies for up to three more years at the School of the Infant Jesus.  They learn math, French, English, Spanish, science, geography and history.  Some of the students attend trade school where they learn barbering, cooking and sewing. A few lucky students continue to high school at another location.  National entrance exams are required for continuing to the 7th, 10th and 12th grades.
Here is an excerpt from Sr. Josseline's letter of Sept. 2011:

At the of the 2010-2011 school year, three of our former students, Goretti, Miriam, and Williene, successfully passed the entrance exams for the last year of high school.  A fourth student, Tania, was also sucessful but will enroll in a school of nursing instead. We are proud of them and hope that they continue to be successful.

We received the final test results for the ninth year students.  Of 42 students, 41 were successful.  Overall, we have been successful.  We know that our benefactors have also contributed to this success.  Many thanks for your devotion and sacrifices to help the little ones who need the support of others to succeed in life.