Sunday, November 11, 2012

Travelling to Anse-a-Veau

Anse-a-Veau is a 3 hr drive south of Port-au-Prince.  There was new concrete road for the first 2 hours.
To see more photos, click here

Children attending the tuition-free classes

Sometimes, a rural family can not afford to feed all their children.  They may send one or more of their children to work for relatives in Port-a-Prince.  If the children are lucky, they will have a sheltering home and food in exchange for their work.  The Sisters offer the servant children in Cite Militaire and Cite Solei a free education through 4th grade during the afternoons.  It starts with a hot nutritious lunch.  --Kathryn

Haitian Coffee

When the Sisters at the School of the Infant Jesus learned we raise money for them by hosting a Sunday morning brunch once a month, they presented us with bags of Haitian coffee.  We'll be selling them $9 / 10 oz after the Masses on Nov. 18th at St. Simon Church in Ludington.  --Kathryn

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Please come back

We took 1200 photos during this 2012 trip.  I'll continue posting for the next few weeks.  --Kathryn

K-6 Class Buildings

The School of the Infant Jesus provides primary education, Kindergarten through 9th.  The K-6th area of the school is used in the mornings by the children who can afford tuition and in the afternoons as a free school for the servant children.

To see some of the students in their classrooms, click here.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vision Screening

We used the big E chart to screen children and teachers at the School of the Infant Jesus and at the Provincial House orphanage.

To be published soon, photos of the nearly 400 students and adults that we screened at the school.

For more about the Lions Club Port-au-Prince Clinic, click here.